Your New Favorite Daily Pilates Routine

By: Nix

My first mat Pilates video is here!!! I am so excited about this, because I literally grew up watching videos like the one I just uploaded. The full video is 18 minutes. The first couple minutes cover Pilates principles and breathing, and the rest of the time I walk you through a routine. While the video says that it is for ‘beginners,” it really can be for all levels. I provide options throughout that make the moves either harder or easier. All you need is a little bit of space and a firm mat or carpet.

My goal with this video is to share all the tid-bits that make me feel personally connected to the workout. For example, I talk about how Pilates isn’t just a workout for the body. Saying that, is like saying your cell phone is “just for calling people.” We both know that we use our cell phones for a million other things, and they are tools with limitless potential. THAT is how I feel about Pilates. Here are a handful of ways that I use Pilates…

  • to meditate
  • to connect to my breath and calm my nervous system
  • to provide structure and routine to my life
  • to gauge my current level of physical fitness

To be honest, I have been putting off doing this video because I really wanted to do it justice. I wanted to get a microphone and maybe even a couple plants to put in the background of the video. My life motto lately has been “progress not perfection,” so instead of waiting until I felt everything was perfect, I said “screw it” and just filmed. Progress baby!!!

DM me on Instagram (@pilates_by_nix) or shoot me an email to let me know what other kinds of videos you want to see!